Page 213 - BussoPeus A434
P. 213



        970   Bezant Sarrazinat, imitating a Fatimid dinar of al-Mustansir billâh from the mint of Misr, Accon mint, ca. last quarter
              of 12th century, with a single dot above and below the central words ‚âl / ghâya. Balog/Yvon pl. XIII 31. A very rare
              variety, neither in Michael Metcalf‘s Sylloge of the Ashmolean collection nor in the Wäckerlin collection.  3,34 g.
                                                                                        GOLD   Very fine  400,--

                                              KiNGS OF GeOrGiA


        971   giorgi ii, 1072-1089 Ad. Dirham of Byzantine type of Maria Panhagia on obv., Georgian legends in rev. Bennett 120
              Var.?; Kapanadze  1.  0,99 g.                                      GOLD Very rare  Very fine  3. 00,--

        972   Queen rusudAn, 1223-1245 Ad. Dirham 4 0 Koronikon/1230 AD. Bust of Christ and Georgian date in margin. Rv.
              Georgian monogran of queen‘s name in double circle with four interlaced annulets and stars in the centre, Arabic name
              and title in margin. Lang 14; Pakhomov 63f, ill. 171.  2, 9 g.     GOLD Very rare  Very fine  7 0,--


        973   Dirham 4 0 Koronikon/1230 AD. Bust of Christ and Georgian date in margin. Rv. Georgian monogran of queen‘s
              name in an almond shape  cartouche within a  circle in the centre, Arabic name and title in margin. Lang  14 Var.;
              Pakhomov 63d, ill. 168.  2,39 g.                             GOLD Very rare  Chipped, very fine  400,--

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