Page 215 - BussoPeus A434
P. 215
980 979 980
979 A mid-19th century Medal with amulet character using the general type of the zer-i mahbûb coinage, with (New Year‘s?)
good wish malbûs al-‘âfiya wa s-salamât as-salâm, Baghdâd (actual place of issue), date 1223 H. referring to the initial
year of Mahmûd II, not date of issue. cf. Erüreten, Bazi sahte paralar p. 178 top (this piece, completely misunderstood
by the author). 1, 0 g. GOLD Marginal damage by ex mount, very fine 200,--
980 A mid- 20th century imitation of a ¼ altun 1223/year 23, Qustantiniya, of Mahmûd II. with indication of fineness
875/1000 for jewellery purposes, probably Egyptian (not from Turkey). Erüreten, Bazi sahte paralar p. 175 bottom
(poorly understood by the author). 0,30 g. GOLD Weak strike, very fine 40,--
981 nAsr ibn AHmAd, 301-331 H./914-943 Ad. Dinar 322 H., Naysâbûr, naming the caliph ar-Râdî billâh, with mark initial
´ayn above obv. field. Album 1449. 3,68 g. GOLD Broad flan Very fine 200,--
982 mAnsûr ibn nûH, 350-365 H./961-976 Ad. Dinar 361 H., Naysâbûr, naming the caliph al-Mutî‘ lillâh and the Simjurid
governor Muhammad. SNAT XIVa 492; Album 1464. 3, g. GOLD Very fine 200,--
983 fArâmorz ibn muHAmmAd, 433-443 H./1041-1051 Ad. Dinar 435 H., Isbahân, naming the Great Saljuq sultan Tughril
Bek as overlord; Album 1 92.2. 2,16 g. GOLD Extremely fine 2 0,--