Page 217 - BussoPeus A434
P. 217
GreAt SAljUqS
989 990 989
989 tugHril beg, 429-455 H./1038-1063 Ad. Dinar 444 H., Naysâbûr, with titles sultân and shâhânshâh. SNAT XIVa -;
Khodzhanyazov 31; Alptekin 24Var.; Album 166 . 3,63 g. GOLD The final digit of date barely visible, very fine 200,--
Acquired Münz Zentrum Köln, uncertain auction, lot no. 1247.
990 mAliksHâH, 465-485 H/1072-1092 Ad. Dinar 4(7?)7 H., Qazwîn, bow to left of obv. field. Khodzhanyazov -; Album
1674. 2,78 g. GOLD Very fine 2 0,--
991 sAnJAr, As viceroy of tHe eAst under His brotHer muHAmmAd, 492-511 H./1099-1118 Ad. Dinar year off flan
(495-500 H.), Naysâbûr, naming the caliph al-Mustazhir and Nâsir ad-dîn. cf. SNAT XIVa 670; Album 1685.1. 2,76 g.
GOLD About extremely fine 200,--
992 Hülägü, 654-663 H./1256-1265 Ad. under His brotHer tHe greAt kHAn möngke -657 H./-1259 Ad. Dirham
658 H., Dimashq. Diler H20; SNAT IVb1 no. 944. 2,95 g. GOLD Rare Very fine 200,--
993 gHâzân mAHmûd, 694-703 H./1295-1304 Ad. Gold dinar of two mithqal weight 701 H., Tabrîz. Diler Ga281; Album
2170. Sotheby‘s 20 May 1986 no. 617. 8,60 g. GOLD Rare Testmarks at outer margin, otherwise, extremely fine 00,--