Page 210 - BussoPeus A434
P. 210



           9    ´Alî ibn yûsuf, 500-537 H./1106-1143 Ad. Dinar (Marabotino) 535 H., Fâs, with the names of the prince and his heir
                Tâshfîn, 535-537 H., Album 466-3; Hazard 376.  4,11 g.         GOLD Neat style,  extremely fine   00,--
                Acqu. Münz Zentrum auction  9, 29 October 1986, Swiss collection of Islamic coins, lot no. 28 1.


                                                           9 6

           9 6  Anonymous coinAge, cA. 3rd QuArter 7tH century H/13tH cent. Ad. Double dinar (dobla) no date, Sijilmâsa,
                with the motto „al-qur‘ân kalâm allâh“. Album -; Brethes 1346 (as Marinid); Hazard 645 (as Ziyanid); Album 520.
                4,61 g.                        GOLD   Traces of bending and a crescent shaped mark, otherwise, very fine  300,--
                Acquired from E. Button, Frankfurt, 1960s (ticket included).

                                                           9 7
           9 7  Double dinar (dobla) no date, Sijilmâsa. Hazard 750.  4,61 g.     GOLD   Short flan tear and crudely struck, very fine  300,--

                Acquired Münz Zentrum, Cologne, uncertain auction in the 1980s, lot no. 2914.


                                                           9 8

           9 8  Abû zAkAryâ yAHyâ ibn ´Abd Al-WâHid, 627-647 H/1230-1249 Ad. Dinar or half dobla no date, Bijâya (Bougie/Algeria).
                Album 500.1. Hazard -; Album 500.1Var. (with mint).  2,38 g.    GOLD Very rare  Small edge deficiency, extremely fine  2 0,--
                Acquired Münz Zentrum, uncertain auction 1980s, lot no. 19  .

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