Page 209 - BussoPeus A434
P. 209
947 948
947 Al-mAHdî, 158-169 H./775-786 Ad. Dinar 165 H., no mint indicated, and no marks (Baghdâd?). Lowick/Savage 301;
Bernardi 2. 3,83 g. GOLD Scratch, Clipped to Arabian Peninsula standard, very fine 1 0,--
948 Dinar 167 H., no mint indicated, and marks dot behind the word rasûl in the obv. margin and the same word in the rev.
field, another dot below the rev. field. (Baghdâd?). Album 212; Lowick/Savage 325. 4,12 g. GOLD Very fine 2 0,--
949 9 0
949 Dinar 167 H., no mint indicated, , and marks dot behind the word rasûl in the obv. margin and behind and below the
same word in the rev. field, another dot below the rev. field. (Baghdâd?). Album 212; Lowick/Savage 321. 3,71 g.
GOLD Clipped, very fine 1 0,--
9 0 Hârûn Ar-rAsHîd, 170-193 H./786-809 Ad. Dinar 187 H., no mint (Egypt), with the name Khâlid below rev. field.
Qatar 110 ; Lowick/Savage 6 . 3,83 g. GOLD Clipped, very fine 200,--
9 2 9 1 9 2
9 1 Dirham 171 H., al-Muhammadîya (probably identical with al-Hârûnîya in Armenia), with the name of the caliph and the
local official Dâ‘ûd. Lowick/Savage 1669; Miles NHR 71B (both identifying the mint as Rayy). 2,81 g. Very fine 7 ,--
9 2 San‘ânî-Dirham 180 H., San‘â, in the name of the governor of the Yaman, ‚Abd-allâh ibn Mus‘ab ibn Thabit ibn az-
Zubayr, 180-181 H. Lowick/Savage 543. 5h. 1,30 g; 19 mm. Very rare, especially in this full weight and not clipped, very fine 300,--
9 3 9 4 9 3
9 3 Al-Amîn muHAmmAd, 193-198 H./809-814 Ad. Dinar 194 H., no mint (Baghdâd), with the motto of the caliph rabbî
Allâh and the name of his vizier al-‘Abbâs. Album 220.5; Lowick/Savage 409. 3,84 g. GOLD Rare Clipped, very fine 300,--
9 4 Ar-râdî billâH, 322-329 H./934-940 Ad. Donative dirham 328 H., Madînat as-salâm, of standard type with
only a single outer circle and a free uninscribed margin. Ilisch, Geschenkmünzen D I 26. 10h. 3,00 g; 24 mm.
Very rare Attempted piercing, otherwise, about extremely fine 00,--