Page 207 - BussoPeus A434
P. 207


                                                catalogued by Lutz Ilisch
                                         © Peus Nachfolger and the cataloguer

                            KhArijiteS ANti-CAliPhS, ArAb-SASANiAN tYPe


        938   QAtArî  ibn  Al-fuJâ‘A, 69-78 H./688-697 Ad. Drachm 75 H., Bîshâpûr (BYSh). Sasanian standard type with the
              caliph‘s name and title in Pahlavi APTULA KTRII /AMIR I-WRUIShNIKAN and the Kharijite dogma in Arabic lâ
              hukm illâ lillâh in the obv. margin. Walker 219; Malek Album 33.  3,65 g.        Very fine  1 0,--

                              UMAYYAD GOVerNOrS, ArAb-SASANiAN tYPe


        939   muHAllAb ibn Abî-sufrA, 75-79 H./694-698 Ad. Drachm 76 H., Bîshâpûr (BYSh), late Sasanian standard type with
              the name of the governor in Pahlavi in two lines. Walker 224; Malek 332; Album 31.  3,87 g.     Very fine  200,--


        940   Drachm 80 H., Bîshâpûr (BYSh), late Sasanian standard type with the name of the governor in Arabic in two lines and
              four dots after Arabic bismi‘llâh in the margin. Walker p. 120 Do.6; Malek 350; Album 35,2.  3,80 g.     Very fine  200,--

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